Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Getting to Health through Integrative Practices: (OAJCAM) - Lupine Publishers

Traditional medical practitioners far outnumber practitioners of allopathic medicine in most parts of the South World. They are thus, de facto, the world’s most popular form of primary care. This article discusses the re-emergence of traditional/integrative 1 healthcare around the world. Within ‘post’-colonial societies, traditional health knowledge has re-emerged in the context of nationalist struggles for independence and a growing interest in natural health care. As people of the South World2 and indigenous communities become more self-reliant, interest in indigenous health practices develops. Concomitantly, as critiques of allopathic medicine’s side-effects develop, interest in natural and spiritual forms of healthcare grows. Those who can access allopathic care, however, almost always choose to blend it with traditional medicine. This article critically explores the fundamental concept of and the increasing popularity of integrative healthcare practices particularly within South World societies. We touch on the re-integration of traditional and modern health knowledge and how this trend is simultaneously occurring all over the planet. While colonialism negatively impacted the work of traditional medical practitioners (Shroff ) [1], in contemporary times, many people are finding answers to modern problems in ancestral practices. It is challenging to piece together bits of verbal knowledge handed from one generation to the next so gaps in knowledge inevitably exist. Regardless, knowledge evolves, and changes are made to virtually all practices as a result. As new diseases and problems arise, wholistic health care is trying to adapt to these challenges.

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Smoking May Not Increase Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressures

  Abstract Background: We tried to understand whether there are some effects of smoking on systolic and diastolic blood pressure...