The Use of Crude Extract of Alhagi graecorum and Urtica pilulifera in the Treatment of Chronic Inflammation of Seminal Fluid: A Case Study by Ahed J Alkhatib in Open Access Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Lupine Publishers
Introduction: Although, the medicines have been widely developed at global level, herbal treatments are still used by many patients for both being cheap and safe treatments.
Objectives: The main objective of the present study is to report a living experience of a patient with chronic inflammation of seminal fluid for 12 years.
Study case: We introduced a case of having seminal fluid infection for 12 years. The patient has used several types of antibiotics and developed multiple resistances for antibiotics. The patient and his family decided to look for other therapeutic approaches such as herbal products. We described in this study how successfully the patient was treated.
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