This study aimed to examine and compare therapeutic effectiveness between forest bathing (FB) and diaphragmatic deep breathing exercise (DDBE) in middle-aged adults with pre-hypertension or hypertension in Hong Kong. Four sessions each of FB and DDBE were conducted among eligible participants in a country park (n=21) and a quiet room (n=12), respectively. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse rate (PR), mood states, and state and trait anxiety levels were measured before (baseline) and immediate before and after each intervention, and eight weeks post intervention. After four consecutive weeks of intervention, the FB group achieved a significant decrease in SBP 7.4 mmHg and a significant reduce in the scores of state anxiety level of 11.5, trait anxiety levels of 6.4, the total mood states of 14.8, tension-anxiety of 3.2, depression of 2.0, fatigue of 4.1, anger of 2.3 and confusion of 2.0. DDBE intervention showed no effect on lowering SBP, DBP and PR, but it showed a significant decrease in the scores of state anxiety level of 8.0, trait anxiety level 6.2, total mood states 9.0, tension-anxiety 1.6 and confusion 1.8. FB was more effective in lowering SBP, state and trait anxiety levels, and improving negative mood, while DDBE was more effective in decreasing PR. At eight weeks after intervention, only FB had a significant sustained effect on lowering PR of 6.9 beats/ min. These findings provide preliminary evidence that FB is more effective than DDBE in lowering SBP and anxiety levels in the study population.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-journal/fulltext/effects-of-forest-bathing-forest-therapy-and-diaphragmatic-deep-breathing-exercise-on-pre-hypertensive-hypertensive.ID.000170.php
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