Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Effects Of Forest Bathing (Forest Therapy) And Diaphragmatic Deep Breathing Exercise on Pre- Hypertensive/Hypertensive Adults in Hong Kong: A Quasi- Experimental Feasibility Study



This study aimed to examine and compare therapeutic effectiveness between forest bathing (FB) and diaphragmatic deep breathing exercise (DDBE) in middle-aged adults with pre-hypertension or hypertension in Hong Kong. Four sessions each of FB and DDBE were conducted among eligible participants in a country park (n=21) and a quiet room (n=12), respectively. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse rate (PR), mood states, and state and trait anxiety levels were measured before (baseline) and immediate before and after each intervention, and eight weeks post intervention. After four consecutive weeks of intervention, the FB group achieved a significant decrease in SBP 7.4 mmHg and a significant reduce in the scores of state anxiety level of 11.5, trait anxiety levels of 6.4, the total mood states of 14.8, tension-anxiety of 3.2, depression of 2.0, fatigue of 4.1, anger of 2.3 and confusion of 2.0. DDBE intervention showed no effect on lowering SBP, DBP and PR, but it showed a significant decrease in the scores of state anxiety level of 8.0, trait anxiety level 6.2, total mood states 9.0, tension-anxiety 1.6 and confusion 1.8. FB was more effective in lowering SBP, state and trait anxiety levels, and improving negative mood, while DDBE was more effective in decreasing PR. At eight weeks after intervention, only FB had a significant sustained effect on lowering PR of 6.9 beats/ min. These findings provide preliminary evidence that FB is more effective than DDBE in lowering SBP and anxiety levels in the study population.

Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-journal/fulltext/effects-of-forest-bathing-forest-therapy-and-diaphragmatic-deep-breathing-exercise-on-pre-hypertensive-hypertensive.ID.000170.php

Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles :   https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=0sWAIssAAAAJ&citation_for_view=0sWAIssAAAAJ:KxtntwgDAa4C

Friday, January 6, 2023

“Phytochemical Screening, Anti-Oxidant and Anti- Hyperglycaemic Activity Determination of PHYLLANTHUS EMBLICA”



Present research was intended to study the phytochemical, antioxidant and antihyperglycemic activity of Phyllanthus emblica fruits ethanolic extract (PEFEE). This involved the preparation of PEFEE using cold maceration and soxhlet extraction, followed by its phytochemical analysis and antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activity. Maceration and soxhlet extraction of Phyllanthus emblica using ethanol offered dark brown of Phyllanthus emblica fruits ethanolic extract. The antihyperglycemic activity involved STZ induced diabetic rats where they were treated with PEFEE at 200 mg and 400 mg/kg body weight/day, or glibenclamide (10 mg/kg body weight/day) for 21 days. Phytochemical screening of the extract revealed the presence ophytoconstituents, such as: carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, steroids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, coumarins, anthraquinone, flavonoids and volatile oils The antioxidant activity and total phenolic content wascarried out to identify the IC50 value and the total amount of phenolic content of Phyllanthus emblica. The DPPH radical scavenging assay and total phenolic test were shown positive for the antioxidant activity of the Phyllanthus emblica. As a basis, Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was used to measure the phenolic content of different concentrations of plant extract. In this test, the Gallic acid was used as a standard and the total phenolic content was calculated by using the standard formula In the present study, the total phenolic content found was to be 6.420 mg GAE/g and 6.097 mg GAE/g for the concentrations of 50 and 200μg/ml respectively. According to the results obtained, the IC50 was calculated for the BHT as well as Phyllanthus emblica extract, the value was 84.04μg/ml and 182.82μg/ml, respectively. However, it can be concluded that the Phyllanthus emblica are exhibiting antioxidant effect as it shows positive results for the total phenolic content (TPC) as well as DPPH scavenging method. The antihyperglycemic activity revealed that Phyllanthus emblica fruits extract has antihyperglycemic effect against STZ induced diabetic rats and the extract maintains the BW of diabetic rats. Present study established that the Phyllanthus emblica fruits ethanolic extract possess antihyperglycemic activity.

Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-journal/fulltext/phytochemical-screening-anti-oxidant-and-anti-hyperglycaemic-activity-determination-of-phyllanthus-emblica.ID.000169.php

Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles :   https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=0sWAIssAAAAJ&citation_for_view=0sWAIssAAAAJ:nb7KW1ujOQ8C

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Healthcare



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is globally emerging as a logistic tool in digital technology and depicts its wide range of relevance in preventive medicine and its management. Smart Hospitals or Hospital 4.0 is a basic need for today’s scenario seeking to COVID 19. [1] Coronavirus has become epidemic and claim for imperative medical supplies, medicines along with the synthesis of neutralizing antibodies which can block the virus particles. Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) known as the fourth industrial revolution served to be at rest during COVID-19 crunch. IIoT has assassinated the demands of individualized face conceal, mitten and enabled to conduct all relevant research and assisted to provide the data immediately for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Effective upturn off wearables and sensors (like Apple Watch, MI Band) has escort a new generation of telemedicine, where patients could be cared virtually by hospital staff. The employment of these technologies would help people to get [2] enlighten regarding their wellbeing. These smart manufacturing technologies could provide a lot of resourceful brainstorm band-aid to scuffle geographical and global medical emergencies.
The aim of chapter is to through light on the smart system of Industry 4.0 during this pandemic of COVID 19 by providing better digital techniques without imposing the risks to [3] healthcare. This paper overall deals with how AI and Industry 4.0 co-jointly can change the whole scenario of our medical procedures as well as healthcare systems and in addition to that many technologies which are currently helping in the medical field are also being discussed.

Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-journal/fulltext/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-healthcare.ID.000168.php

Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles :   https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=0sWAIssAAAAJ&citation_for_view=0sWAIssAAAAJ:P5F9QuxV20EC

Smoking May Not Increase Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressures

  Abstract Background: We tried to understand whether there are some effects of smoking on systolic and diastolic blood pressure...