Background: Anti-Asian bias is not a new phenomenon. The murders of eight victims at spas in Georgia with six of the victims being Asian women has caused a new generation to speak up about the discrimination that is directed toward those who identify as Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI).
Objectives: The brief Anti-Asian American Pacific Islander Bias Survey (AAAPIBS) was developed to view how discrimination shows up from microaggressions to violence on the spectrum of Anti-Asian bias.
Methodology: A convenience sample of occupational therapy practitioners and Asian American women in academia in the U.S. were given the survey.
Results: Anti-Asian discrimination occurs on a spectrum which has two major themes: Perpetual Foreigner and Model Minority. One new item emerged which was cultural appropriation from AAPI practices which are sources of cultural strengths and support, e.g. Mindfulness.
Implications: Anti-AAPI bias hinders the complete participation of AAPI Peoples in our society.
Keywords: Cultural appropriation; Envied Outgroup; Microaggressions; Model Minority; Perpetual Foreigner
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