Monday, April 10, 2023

Multi-Modal Paths in Rural Appalachia to Improve Local Transportation Opportunities: a Case Study



Transportation is a public health problem in the rural Appalachian region of the United States. Furthermore, access to outdoor physical activity facilities and transportation to schools is limited and difficult to establish. This case study aims to highlight assets and problems sur-rounding transportation in rural Appalachia and how advocacy for multi-modal lanes can be beneficial to address the important need to improve transportation. Improving multi-modal forms of transportation can provide many benefits within a community and can positively impact different populations. If we improve transportation, all health outcomes change. Additionally, new growth by way of multi-modal transportation creates demand for new housing, business, and community. Harmony Lanes is a local non-profit in rural Northwestern North Carolina formed to fulfill a mission: “Create safe, inclusive multi-modal infrastructure.” Their purpose is to identify what worked in the past so that we (and others) can aim to replicate those steps in order to be successful. This case study examines the timeline and actions taken to organize people, the community, and leaders to make a small change in transportation to improve rural mobility in the Appalachians.

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Smoking May Not Increase Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressures

  Abstract Background: We tried to understand whether there are some effects of smoking on systolic and diastolic blood pressure...