Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a syndrome characterized by problems with socialization, communication, and behavior. This syndrome causes the child to present some specific characteristics most of the time, such as difficulty in communication, speech, difficulty in expressing feelings and ideas, they often feel uncomfortable in the presence of people who do not know them and avoid eye contact, in addition to repetitive patterns and stereotyped movements, such as spending a lot of time rocking your body or an object. However, it is not a rule that everyone has the same repetitive patterns, some children have more than others. We know that our brain can be “reprogrammed” at every moment, creating new synaptic connections and promoting neurogenesis (birth of new neurons, mainly in the hippocampus region). Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is the brain’s ability to recover and restructure. This adaptive capacity of the nervous system allows the brain to recover from disorders or injuries. The Multimedia Rehabilitation technique - Brain Gymnastics - Neurofitness promotes intense brain stimulation, where using the computer it is possible to have all areas of the brain exercised simultaneously. Therefore, this is a technique of great worldwide relevance in the intervention and treatment of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), where it is possible to promote great stimulation in all areas of the cerebral cortex simultaneously, bringing neurological maturity in a global way, favoring the developing all areas that occur deficits and awakening new skills and talents.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/complementary-alternative-medicine-journal/fulltext/benefit-of-multimedia-rehabilitation-academy-for-the-brain-as-intense-brain-stimulation-in-the-treatment-of-people-with-asd-autism-spectrum-disorder.ID.000166.php
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